But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. - Matthew 6:33

Apparel Bestsellers

Equipment Bestsellers


Seek First Brand was established in January 2019 following a vision from the Lord. At the time I was wrongfully too focused on the pursuit of 'worldly' success and wealth, transitioning to a full-time entrepreneurial role. During this period, I visited a dear friend in the hospital whose life seemed to be falling apart in every way you can imagine. Yet, their faith remained unshaken! As I was praying for them in their hospital bed one night, I was so overwhelmed with sorrow for them because of all the brokenness that was happening to their lives, until the Lord whispered to my heart, "This person is the most successful person you know." - I was Shocked, but I also knew very well what the Lord was saying to me! In the eyes of the world this person's life would seem like a complete failure as everything seemed to be falling apart, But "People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” - 1 Samuel 16:7. This revelation came in a season when I was learning from numerous seemingly "successful" millionaires and billionaires online. The message the Lord spoke to me that night was very clear: the Lord's definition of success is vastly different from the world's—it's essentially inverted! 

While I remain committed to excelling in every facet of my life, I do so for the glory of God, recognizing that He values the heart over the external.

This revelation is what began my love, passion, and focus on Matthew 6:33, and to start 'Seek First Brand'.

I'm excited to share this testimony with the world, hoping that those who use our supplements or wear our apparel will be reminded daily of what truly matters. As you engage with our products, may they serve as a reminder to prioritize the Kingdom, regardless of how the world perceives your life.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

Join the Seek First Team and let's make a significant impact in this world! We genuinely hope you appreciate our products at Seek First. Thank you for being a part of this movement. If you wish to get in touch with us, please email us at Hello@SF-Industries.org. We'll respond as promptly as possible.

Warm regards,
Founder: Daniel Ziedins

Connect with Daniel

Question: "What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God?"

Answer: Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of God in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:33).
The verse’s meaning is as direct as it sounds. We are to seek the
things of God as a priority over the things of the world. Primarily, it
means we are to seek the salvation that is inherent in the kingdom of
God because it is of greater value than all the world’s riches. Does
this mean that we should neglect the reasonable and daily duties that
help sustain our lives? Certainly not. But for the Christian, there
should be a difference in attitude toward them. If we are taking care of
God’s business as a priority—seeking His salvation, living in obedience
to Him, and sharing the good news of the kingdom with others—then He
will take care of our business as He promised—and if that’s the
arrangement, where is worrying? 

Connect with us more on our Socials below!

Searching for Salvation & Truth? Click here to Learn More!: [SALVATION]

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  • Quality Comes First

    At Seek First, we take our products to a new standard, and that all
    begins with our customer experience. We value all of our amazing customers, and will do whatever it takes to take care of you!

  • Seek First Podcast

    Seek First Podcast: Where Faith meets Health and Personal Growth. Dive deep with us as we explore the intersection of spiritual growth, physical well-being, and the journey to a better self.

  • Seek First Legends

    Seek First Legends: Divine Energy for Extreme Pursuits. Fuel your adventures with faith and fire, and become the legend you're called to be. 🚀 ✝️ #RiseAbove




    We are a collective of kingdom-minded believers.


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